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Can the protests make things right? Two views on #BlackLivesMatter from New York

Би Коз
02:05, 04.06.2020

Thousands of US citizens took to the streets following the police killing of George Floyd. Along with peaceful demonstrations and some policemen supporting #BlackLivesMatter movement came riots, looting and violent outbreaks. June 2nd was announced #BlackOutTuesday on English-speaking media platforms, with social media users posting black squares and spreading information about inequality in post-colonial countries, systematic racism in the US and some European countries and links to important articles, books, films about and by people of colour. 

In an attempt to educate Russian audiences and familiarise them with the racial conflict in the US, Mikhail Kozyrev interviewed two people representing two different perspectives — New York University Geopolitical analyst Pharohl Charles and NYPD photographer Michael Bernadsky.

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Can the protests make things right? Two views on #BlackLivesMatter from New York

Фото: Reuters

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